I • November 9, 1983 River Club MINUTES LE INVESTMENT COMMITTEE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AM ERICAN UNI VERSI TY IN CAIRO Attending: Mr. Hyde, Dr. Lamont, Mr. Snaith, Mr. Crary, Mr. Wadsworth (Chairman), Mr. McCloy 1. The agenda was adopted. 2. The minutes of the May meeting were approved. Wednesday 12:30 PM 3. The Report on the 1982/83 budget was presented and accepted, but it was observed that gross budget figures should be presented along with net. 4. The revised budget for fiscal year 1983/84 was approved as presented. 5. Report on UEEF investments: Colgate - Mr. Snaith reported that no Board meeting has been held since the Annual General Meeting on June 26, 1983 in Alexandria. Accordingly no information on the company's most recent progres...