• • MINUTES LE INVESTMENT COMMITTEE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO February 20, 1984 Trustees Room Tuesday 12:30 PM Attending: Mr. Hyde, Dr. Lamont, Mr. Snaith, Mr. Wadsworth, (Chairman) 1. The agenda was adopted. 2. The minutes of theNo~. meeting were approved with the addition of the following: (To replace the final sentence in number 7) "It was concluded that, should more of Mr. Snaith's time need to be devoted to the UEEF, the Committee should feel free to call upon up to 50% of his time and that this had met with the approval of Dr. Pedersen." (To replace number 8.) "It appeared that substantial funds were available for investment and it was suggested and resolved that, as soon as possible, an approach be made to A...