• November 9, 1983 River Club . MINUTES Meeting of the Finance Comrrd t t ee Board of Trustees THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO Wednesday 11:30 AM Attending: Mr. Crary (Chairman), Mr. Hannon, Dr. Lamont, Mr. McCloy, Mr. Snaith, Mr. Wadsworth, Mr. Winder 1. The agenda was approved. 2. The minutes of the last meeting were approved. 3. Mr. Harry Burn of McConnell & Miller Inc. reported to the Committee on the University Endowment funds they manage. At the end of the 3rd quarter, 1983 the value of the account was approximately $4.4 million and since its inception it has increased in value by $1 million, 70% of which is real· gain. ~U 4. Mr. Robert Smith and Mr. William Hay of Smith Affiliated Capital Corporation reported on the University endow...