November 12. 1986 River Club MINUTES FINANCE COMMI'l.'TEE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIRO Wednesday 9:00 AM Attending: Mr. Crary (Chairman), Mr. Hannon, Mr. Hedlund, Mr. Kruger, Dr. Pedersen, Dr. Lamont, Mr. Snaith 1. Agenda: The agenda was approved. 2. Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were approved. 3. Endowment Report: Mr. Crary presented the general performance of the University's endowment and plant funds through March 31, 1986. The current market values of the funds are: McConnell and Miller, $10,159,174; Smith Affiliated, $8,087,576; and The Common Fund, $6,465,047. These figures include market gains and new investments since September 1982, when the totals under management were $1,088.721; $2,029,388; a...