MINUTES OF THE LE INVESTMENT COMMITTEF MEETING HELD AT THE RIVERSIDE CLUB ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1981 1. UEEF Financials for 1980/81 The Committee reviewed the management financials for fiscal 1980/81. It was noted that Egyptian ' Pound income may be increased by approximately LE 110,000 if a Memorandum of Understanding is signed between the UEEF and Cairo Beverages and Industrial Co. S.A.E., and Cairo Beverages keeps its interest payments current on the UEEF's loans. The provision for uncollectible interest will be released upon receipt of the delinquent interest. 2. UEEF Budget for 1981/82 The Committee reviewed and approved the budget submitted for fiscal 1981/82. 3. Sale of "Zamalek 1" Site In view of the fact that forthcoming sale...