• ~ .. ~, I • I . .,. , :"\" 'IiI ,; :" ; If' I J " ~ ,, 77/78 ~ ,;' , ! I 1, '' , , '.,i: " \ ~ 79/80 ,. Summary of 77/78, 78/79 and 7()/f3~~ ,~' budr,ets The estimated actual fif.ud~s present i1 f' IOI 'e filvo:;::able budget picture that we were projecting at the October meetinl'. Ha~ical ly, this is because of substantially lower dollar and pound eXf'onditures primarily due to lower foreign faculty costs and a slmu'(",m iTl 1,~r:~.; spending levels. On the dollar side, we ended IIp with a defirit o~ $2 12,700 includin~ a transfer of $75,000 to Plant Fund to CGVf!r ['rojected nevi library and other construction ezpen:>cs . On the pound side, d proj ected deficit turned into a small surplus of J,[.19, 7r'fj l'0'~i1uf:C of higher revenu...