.3) The grants are $5',283 for Faculty Salar.v Aid and some tl2,000 for Scholarships out of a possible ~, 857 for this latter purpose. Only' this 8Jl811 portion of the scholarship grant _s used because of lateness in securing f'iml clearance from the U.S. Government. '!be reua1nder will be carried into next year. 4) It is to be noted that the budget carries an expenditure of $35,000 in dollars on the re}:eyment of the University's loan. The real deficit anticipated, therefore, is in the amount of $85,503. In actual operation the University will be }:eying the deficit out of capital .funds reoeived fran the sale of the rural property in Egypt, even whUe reducing the dollAr debt by the amount indicated. 5} Deducts the previous year's 185,000 ...