4 15) The University is scheduling a modest increase in Unrestricted Gifts and Grants. Under a vigorous financial promotion program, this income item should increase. 16) See Note 1110. This is a possible carry-over amount from the unspent portions of the 1960 three-year government grant. 17) This is the third and lAst year of the 1961 grant in the total amount of $14,000 for staff aid purposes. (See note 12) la) This is the tirst year ot a new three-year grant to be requested trom the U.S. Government in the Government Is 1963 budget. 19) Modest increases are anticiIAted trom student fees and tuition. This should occur trom a slightly lArger enrollment, and trom an increase in direct student charges. 20) This is the second year ot the three...