, . I I I Notes to Expense Budget presented February 14, 1963 has been cut wherever possible (1) Taxes on property were reduced ~y over $7,000. (2) Increase in End of Service and Retirement, Social Security, and addition of Chancellor to the New York Budget. (3) Equipment Budget increased due to additIon of M.Sc. Program. (4) Publishing Budget added, offset by request to a Foundation. (5) Folk Arts not continued (6) Equipment budget increased by approximately $3,000, offset by request to the Dodge Foundation (7) Reflects Government Grants 1961 leA Balance for 1962-63 1962 AID Budgeted 1963 AID Request Differences tn Govenmment Grants Minus amount of 1962 Grant not budge~~d in 1962-63 but being used due to change in allocation of grant (8) P...