, I B. U.S.A. STATEMENTS - Continued Details and Explanations - Continued Operating Income - Continued Higher income from Grant NESA/114 was realized due to amendment, when $100,000 was made available for operational support from restricted funds for English Language Program. Further, instead of using only the half of $200,000 of the new Grant CSD 1068, we have claimed a total of $181,000, leaving a balance for 1966-67 of only $11,000. Operatin& E!Eenses New York Office Actual Variance y.e. y.e. Budget Favorable 8/31/65 8/31/66 1965/66 (UnfavorA.b Ie) Salaries and Special Services 42,205 42,067 (138) Retirement No 5,129 5,000 (129) Travel and Hospitality 9,166 10,000 834 Audit, Legal and Commissions details 10,132 8,000 (2,132) Office Expen...