I I I In 19~6 t~e English Lvnfunre Institute was o~onc6 as a uhit of tho Unive ~ity , ~'it h the re,;",onsibilit) for incrcasinr cO:'ipE'tence in Enrlish cO";lo"lunication f or all thf)se wishinc to onter theinsi -:'"1..,tion. Hbtor1cllll" , the Univarsity has hecn supported by rift.s a nd r equ"sts fro:Tl individua l s and 11" ( J'llnts frolll corporations pod founctltions . Thrmlfh all vicissitudes it hus re lained a flrivate, Chrif"1"ln, self - .ov rninr institution, opf-:rtltinr under its ch;trter in (l ''''ort> t cd ;_0 1'I.?shinfton, D,C. T cce ll.y the Unive rsity I R vita) rol e i n the Midc'll e East l'ns r,~co {"n1zcd ,·'hEm it reccivl" o a mill ion- dollar f)'ant (half i n 11(' 1"1' of lP"l't ft n(ls l! ) frof'. the !l nited S...