41 3'5 ~ v1 ,a 4 L t• a ( .6-~_ i 3~ 3, 4 °,° 1 1 Board Meeting 2/58-Appendix F STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURES Bu.det Account 1956-~7 As of Aasost 31, 1957 Net Required for Cairo Budget Expended over Budget Budget for International Office, N.Y Emergency Expenses 16 000.83 Total Requirements $339,513.16 $241,315.96 2,255.37 _221,241.00 $323,512.33 Receipts 1956-57 Contributions, General, Contributions, General, Honoraria in U.S A Income on Investments & Trust Funds,net 82,078.35 in in U.S.A. . Egypt .. .... $89,557.85 .... 15,539.40 772.55 Total Receipts for 1956-57 $187,948.35 (L. E. 65,110.947) Savings on International Office Budget: Budget as Approved $79,941.00 Budget Expenditures 68,915.52 Savings . • •. 11.005.8 Total Credits $19...