-3- 1956-57 Naga.- Total Cairo Operations 167,302,041 Total Internatia ,perationa 26,649.475 TuteesT Expenditures ONT 1101111.0110010101111M 1957-58 IWAgat- 165,175412 24,586788 4) . Grand Tot 1 Expenditures 193,99,516 1914142.200 EgitIVILARNAL1SILtLtummsgY—fitlt.t,, ,ER9 14ILAMI 210,51 LE LTV.000 is new to the budget to cover expenses of the Board meeting in Cairca and it is expected that it will be met by gifts over and above the usual sources. 220,022 Staff ratirement pravIciona are now ci:7.otaibuted through the bud-get, To meet the Egyptian law, they are increased to 70 on all Egyptian calmries For most Americana, they total 5% in aome retirement systems. and 2-1% in Social Security The increase in this year as over against last, would...