9-10:15 ATTI 10:30-12:15 PM BOARD OF TRUSTEES AviERICAii adVERSITY AT CAIRO FEETI~ G - ARCH 8, 9, 10, 1957 !,.ENDA Friday, March 8 10:00 A~ Pre-session meeting of Finance Committee. Gramercy Park Hotel Room 52, 2200 PE First General Session. Grameroy park Hotel, Room 52. 2-4:00 Pr I a) Action on new Board members. b) Discussion of prevailing situation in the Middle East and its effects on the University. 4-5:30 PM Report by President i:oLain Vice-President's Report Educational Secretary's Report Comptroller's report, including report of the Bursar. 6:00 P1 Cairo Dinner Saturday, March 9 9:00 AM Second Géneral Session. Gramercy park Hotel, Room 52. i University Reorganization and personnel needs. (a) Reorganization at Cairo 1. present status...