281 Board Minutes 11--6-53 p.2 #721. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY The report of the Executive Secretary (pp.8--9) was read by Mr. Madison who then introduced Mr. John Blumberg, recent in-structor of journalism at A.U.C., who is now in the Philadelphia office for fund raising and promotional activities. Mr. Blumberg told of his constantly growing enthusiasm for A.U.C., the greatly increased enrollment this fall, and efforts t• solicit funds frm American corporations with interests in the Middle East -. A.-tong prom.nent visitors during the past year were President Butter.: e.d of Wesleyan University, Mr, Iverson of the Ford Foundatior. and Mr„ Adlai Stevenson. Each was re-ported as having publicly e1:pre sed appreciation for the Uni-ver...