MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO New York City, September 17, 1949. 62 613. ORGANIZATION 614. REPORT OF PRELIM-INARY C ONFERENC E A special meeting of the Board, oalled at the suggestion of the Finance Committee, was held at The Town Hall Club beginning at 10:05 a.m. Dr. Horton led in prayer referring to "the institution we love". There were present: D. Horton, Chairman, E. E. Calverley, E. M. Craig, H. Garrett, R. W. Harbison, G. F. Jewett, G. D. Lockhart, R. W. MoClenahan, J. R. Sizoo, S. L. Thornton, and Miss A. Lister and W. N. Madison. The Chairman introduced and welcomed Mr. Stanley L. Thorn-ton who was attending his first meeting as trustee. Dr. Horton reported that several trustees...