150 6. Committee on Grounds and Buildings: J. M. Steele, Chairman J. W. Walker R. J. Frackelton G. Innes R. Killough 7. Committee on Spiritual Resources: W. I. Chamberlain, Chairman G. Innes R. J. Frackelton R. Killough 8. Committee on Charter and Rules: Dr. W. B. Hill Dr. C. R. Watson 9. Committee on Nominations: G. L. Robinson E. M. Craig 10. Com;1ìittee on Resolutions: W. I. Chamberlain G. Innes 216. REPORT OF THE The report of the Finance Committee (Appendix E), FINANCE COMMITTEE as presented by the Chairman, Mr. R. W. Harbison, was approved and the following recom:iendations were adopted: (1) THAT the budget for 1929-30 totalling $117,495 to be raised in America, be approved (Appendix E, Schedule E). (2) THAT Mr. Joseph I. Parker be ap...