208 November 27, 1923. Appendix A. REPORT OF THE FINANCE CO'.IMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN UNIVER:'ITY AT UAIRO For the Year 1922-23. Meetings Held: Since the last meeting of the Trustees on October 28, 1922, the Finance Committee has held meetings on the following dates: May 4, 1923, June 4, 1923, and November 27, 1923. The following summary gives in outline the matters which have been taken up and acted upon by the Committee during the past year: 1. Objectives for the Year: The first objective for the year was to eet the requirements of the current budget for the year 1922- 23, amounting to 979,189.30. Toward this goal only $51,695.48 was received during the year from general and designated gifts. The balance was ,.,ade up from two sources: (a)...