Letter: From Joseph F. Friedkin, to Dean Rusk, Secretary of State, March 26, 1964 (photocopy), page 1INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY AND WATER COMMISSION UNITED STATES AND MEXICO 206 SAN FRANCISCO STREET EL PASO. TEXAS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER UNITED STATES SECTION MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 1859 March 26, 1964 COPY The Honorable Dean Rusk, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C. Sir: Pursuant to your request, I submit this Section's comments on the international aspects of the draft bill proposed by the Secretary of the Interior for development of the water resources of the Pacific Southwest, dated January 29, 1964. Of most concern is the provision in Section 3 that ". . . the Secretary shall . . . (b) undertake prog...