Memorandum: From J.F. Friedkin, Commissioner, "Colorado Salinity Problem, Question: Would tile drains in the Wellton-Mohawk District provide a solution to the international problem?" August 23, 1964 (photocopy), page 6 tableTo accompany memorandum dated August 23, 1964. COLORADO RIVER SALENITY PROBLEM ESTIMATED SALINITY AT NORTHERLY BOUNDARY - REDUCTIONS IN MEXICALI IRRIGATED AREA UNDER VARIOUS OPERATIONS OF DRAINAGE IN THE WELLTON-MOHAWK DISTRICT assumed Drainage Operations Wellton-Mohawk District Wellton-Mohawk Drainage Colorado River @ Northerly Boundary Reduction in Irr. Area, Mexicali Valley. P. P. M. Tons Salt. Balance P. P. M. Total % Increase Over Salt Acrex % Reduction % Reduction to Index Summer Winter Tons Balance...