Ex (??) To accompany Memorandum dated August 23, 1964 COLORADO RIVER SALINITY PROBLEM EFFECTS OF TILE EFFLUENT OF 4,000 TO 5,000 P. P. M. FROM THE WELLTON-MOHAWK IRRIGATION DISTRICT Notes prepared in conference with Dr. Charles A. Bower, August 22, 1964 1. Salt tolerant crops such as wheat and cotton can be grown with irrigation waters having a considerable range in salinity (up to 1,500 p. p. m.) with out significant reduction in yield providing the leaching requirement is met. 2. The leaching requirement, and therefore, the amount of water required to grow a given crop, increases with an increase in the salinity of the water. Hence, with a given volume of water fewer acres can be irrigated as the salinity of the water increases. 3. T...