Memorandum of Meeting: From Louis F. Blanchard, "Colorado River salinity," September 3, 1964, page 4-4- c) Bureau of Reclamation's view - that Ph : Pv would be more nearly 1:1 and that the effluent from tile would approach that from wells - initially about 5000 ppm. decreasing with time. d) U. S. Geological Survey's views - heterogeneous character stratification and lenses - Ph : Pv - conservatively 10:1 and the effluent would be initially 4000 ppm. or less and decreasing with time. It is the personal opinion of the Science Adviser to the Secretary of the Interior that the effluent would initially be about 4000 ppm. e) Tile effluent data to date: (1) Tile - 4000 ppm. Underlying wells - 11,000 ppm. f) If the tile effluent is 4...