Numerous names, some illegible, most of them put up since 1932, appear on the walls of Gunsight Pass. The oldest ones appear to be: J. W. Mangum, AP 10 [year weathered away], E. P. Pectol, M. Grundy, H. V. Roper (Fig. 3). A number of cattle brands also appear on the walls. J. W. Mangum was an early pioneer in Kanab (Woodbury, 1950, 179). E. P. Pectol may be the same as he who played a major role in the creation of Capital Reef National Monument (Kelly 1947). Lt. W. L. Marshall and John E. Weyss of the Wheeler Survey traveled through the pass in 1872, and left a good description of it (Wheeler 1889, 52-53), on their way to the Crossing of the Fathers, or Cane Bar (Historical site 7). Historical site 129 - Stock Fence The trail from Gunsig...