Abstract: Imam Shafi'i is one of the Imam of the fiqh schools of the four schools of fiqh. Imam Syâfi'î is a teacher of Imam Ahmad and he is also a student of Imam Mâlik and has also studied with a student of Imam Abû Hanîfah namely Imam Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan al-Syaibanî. Therefore, Imam Syâfi'î fiqh was formed from across intellectuals with a combination and meeting of knowledge of fiqh ahl al-hadîts (Imam Mâlik) and fiqh ahl al-ra'y (Imam Abû Hanîfah). This paper aims to examine Imam Syâfi'î as a mujtahid and Imam of the Fiqh School in historical, juridical and sociological studies. Imam Syâfi'î succeeded in formulating the legal thought of ahl al-hadîts, the version of Imam Mâlik with the thought of the law of ahl al-ra'y, the version of...