ABSTRAKT - Obecność portugalska w Japonii w XVI i XVII wieku Celem niniejszej pracy licencjackiej jest omówienie relacji portugalsko-japońskich w XVI i XVII wieku, skupiając się przede wszystkim na założeniu misji jezuickiej w Japonii oraz na kontaktach handlowych między dwoma narodami. Będzie w niej mowa o listach jezuickich, jako o ważnym źródle informacji o życiu politycznym i kulturowym Japonii między okresem Sengoku Jidai a szogunatem Tokugawa. Praca próbuje też ustalić, w jaki sposób wydarzenia z historii Japonii wpłynęły na sytuację Portugalczyków w kraju. Opisuje szczegółowo przebieg działań katechizujących w Japonii, od przybycia pierwszych reprezentantów Kościoła w 1549, kontynuując z rozwojem społeczności chrześcijańskiej pod oc...
The dissonance between the internal regulations of the Society of Jesus in Japan, which fostered a m...
This bachelor thesis deals with the establishment of Japanese-Spanish diplomatic relations and their...
Starting from a particular case (an embassy of Japanese Christians sent to Europe in 1582 with the i...
Praca poświęcona jest kontaktom między Portugalczykami a Japończykami w XVI i XVII wieku. Początek o...
Este trabalho apresenta o quadro da época da chegada dos portugueses no Japão e da sua ação por quas...
Em 1549, os primeiros missionários cristãos chegaram ao arquipélago japonês a fim de evangelizar a p...
Subject of Bachelors Thesis is "Japan in the East Asian System of Trade after arrival of Europeans f...
For the Portuguese the 16th century was a period of travels and contacts with unknown people and c...
The nanbangaku or nanban bunka, which is the set of doctrines of the "barbarians of the South", did ...
Os encontros entre os Portugueses e os Japoneses no sec. XVI tiveram um papel importante na história...
El tema concreto de esta Tesis Doctoral se inscribe dentro del marco general del aproximadamente un ...
The period in which the territory under the Portuguese Patronage reached its greatest amplitude was ...
Partindo de um caso particular (o envio de uma missão de japoneses cristãos à Europa em 1582 com o i...
A difusão do Evangelho no Japão começou com a chegada dos jesuítas em 1549. Donos de uma cultura pec...
A nossa dissertação tem como objetivo analisar os compromissos e as obrigações do procurador da Comp...
The dissonance between the internal regulations of the Society of Jesus in Japan, which fostered a m...
This bachelor thesis deals with the establishment of Japanese-Spanish diplomatic relations and their...
Starting from a particular case (an embassy of Japanese Christians sent to Europe in 1582 with the i...
Praca poświęcona jest kontaktom między Portugalczykami a Japończykami w XVI i XVII wieku. Początek o...
Este trabalho apresenta o quadro da época da chegada dos portugueses no Japão e da sua ação por quas...
Em 1549, os primeiros missionários cristãos chegaram ao arquipélago japonês a fim de evangelizar a p...
Subject of Bachelors Thesis is "Japan in the East Asian System of Trade after arrival of Europeans f...
For the Portuguese the 16th century was a period of travels and contacts with unknown people and c...
The nanbangaku or nanban bunka, which is the set of doctrines of the "barbarians of the South", did ...
Os encontros entre os Portugueses e os Japoneses no sec. XVI tiveram um papel importante na história...
El tema concreto de esta Tesis Doctoral se inscribe dentro del marco general del aproximadamente un ...
The period in which the territory under the Portuguese Patronage reached its greatest amplitude was ...
Partindo de um caso particular (o envio de uma missão de japoneses cristãos à Europa em 1582 com o i...
A difusão do Evangelho no Japão começou com a chegada dos jesuítas em 1549. Donos de uma cultura pec...
A nossa dissertação tem como objetivo analisar os compromissos e as obrigações do procurador da Comp...
The dissonance between the internal regulations of the Society of Jesus in Japan, which fostered a m...
This bachelor thesis deals with the establishment of Japanese-Spanish diplomatic relations and their...
Starting from a particular case (an embassy of Japanese Christians sent to Europe in 1582 with the i...