Praca niniejsza w całości zostanie poświęcona trudnemu zagadnieniu przełamania u młodzieży niechęci do czytania. Zjawisko to zawsze było obecne w szkole, ale w ostatnich latach wyraźnie przybrało na sile, co sprawia, że każdy nauczyciel polonista musi się z nim zmierzyć. W żadnym razie nie może godzić się na to, że jego uczniowie nie czytają, ponieważ czytanie książek jest fundamentalnym warunkiem zdobywania wiedzy i trudno sobie wyobrazić dalsze efektywne kształcenie bez tej potrzeby i nawyku.W obowiązującej podstawie programowej znajduje się zapis mówiący o konieczności zetknięcia się ucznia z określoną ilością tekstów kultury, często kultury wysokiej. Pojawia się zatem problem odbioru tychże tekstów, problem o tyle ważny, że wielu ucznió...
The article traces the motif of the magician in Polish magical folk tales and belief tales. The anal...
The article constitutes a part of the research on the description of the linguistic image of the wo...
The author devotes attention to four pieces from the poetic cycle Erotics (Erotyki, 1779) of Francis...
Was a New Polish Translation of Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales and Stories Necessary? A posit...
IN THE MAGICAL WORLD OF TADEUSZ NOWAK’S WORKSThe goal of the article is to highlight the links betwe...
The author of the article demands a wise fairy tale didactics, unlimiting itself to only summing up...
Folk fairy tales constitute an important element of culture in most societies. They refer to univers...
Tematem niniejszej pracy jest analiza dokonanego przez Jana Gondowicza przekładu książki Raymonda Qu...
Time and space belong to substantial elements of the world presented in the magic folk tales (T 311)...
The subject of the article is the presentation of items in Polish folk tales and literary fairy tale...
The aim of the review article is to present the book entitled In the circle of fairy tales and ficti...
The aim of the article is to show how Roman Zmorski, who represents a model of interest in folk cult...
The article, based on the three most important examples in the Old Scandinavian myth, shows how imp...
The article considers the Bulgarian translations of Aesop’s fairy tales done in the nineteenth centu...
In traditional Polish folk culture, ordinary villagers were not interested in cosmogenesis and anthr...
The article traces the motif of the magician in Polish magical folk tales and belief tales. The anal...
The article constitutes a part of the research on the description of the linguistic image of the wo...
The author devotes attention to four pieces from the poetic cycle Erotics (Erotyki, 1779) of Francis...
Was a New Polish Translation of Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales and Stories Necessary? A posit...
IN THE MAGICAL WORLD OF TADEUSZ NOWAK’S WORKSThe goal of the article is to highlight the links betwe...
The author of the article demands a wise fairy tale didactics, unlimiting itself to only summing up...
Folk fairy tales constitute an important element of culture in most societies. They refer to univers...
Tematem niniejszej pracy jest analiza dokonanego przez Jana Gondowicza przekładu książki Raymonda Qu...
Time and space belong to substantial elements of the world presented in the magic folk tales (T 311)...
The subject of the article is the presentation of items in Polish folk tales and literary fairy tale...
The aim of the review article is to present the book entitled In the circle of fairy tales and ficti...
The aim of the article is to show how Roman Zmorski, who represents a model of interest in folk cult...
The article, based on the three most important examples in the Old Scandinavian myth, shows how imp...
The article considers the Bulgarian translations of Aesop’s fairy tales done in the nineteenth centu...
In traditional Polish folk culture, ordinary villagers were not interested in cosmogenesis and anthr...
The article traces the motif of the magician in Polish magical folk tales and belief tales. The anal...
The article constitutes a part of the research on the description of the linguistic image of the wo...
The author devotes attention to four pieces from the poetic cycle Erotics (Erotyki, 1779) of Francis...