Heart failure is a global public health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Currently available medical therapy provides only a temporary improvement of the symptoms, yet does not stop the progression of the disease. Consequently, there is an unmet need in the development of new therapies to stop progression or even reverse this pathological state. Lately, cardiac transcription factors have been extensively investigated, since they have an essential role in both physiological and pathological processes, including myocardial hypertrophy. Two such transcription factors are GATA4 and NKX2-5, both having a pivotal role in heart development as well as in cardiac hypertrophy. We synthesized a series of compounds for affinity chroma...
Background: Impaired redox homeostasis is a hallmark of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Both excessi...
Immunotherapy with immune-checkpoint inhibitors has changed the paradigm of cancer treatment. For th...
Breast cancer has high incidence and prevalence. Long-termcause-specific survival of breast cancer p...
Heart failure is a global public health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Currently...
Heart failure is a global public health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Currently...
Monoklonska protitelesa spadajo med najpomembnejše biološke učinkovine s širokim razponom terapevtsk...
O-vezana β-N-acetilglukozamin transferaza (OGT) je znotrajcelični encim, čigar vloga v telesu in vlo...
Depression is a common and heterogeneous mental disorder. When a patient, diagnosed with depression,...
Rastni dejavniki so pomembni regulatorni proteini, ki vplivajo na celično rast, migracijo in diferen...
Kiralnost spojin igra zelo pomembno vlogo v vsakdanjem življenju. Ni prisotna le na področju kemije,...
Hipertenzija je definirana kot povišan krvni tlak in vodi v srčno-žilne zaplete kot so hipertenzivna...
Nastanek in razvoj živega organizma predstavlja veliko uganko in eno najbolj perečih vprašanj v biol...
Anksiozne motnje so prisotne pri 28 % odraslih, kar jih uvršča med najpogostejše duševne motnje. Ank...
Anksiozne motnje so prisotne pri 28 % odraslih, kar jih uvršča med najpogostejše duševne motnje. Ank...
Recent studies point at the crucial role of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in the development of ...
Background: Impaired redox homeostasis is a hallmark of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Both excessi...
Immunotherapy with immune-checkpoint inhibitors has changed the paradigm of cancer treatment. For th...
Breast cancer has high incidence and prevalence. Long-termcause-specific survival of breast cancer p...
Heart failure is a global public health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Currently...
Heart failure is a global public health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Currently...
Monoklonska protitelesa spadajo med najpomembnejše biološke učinkovine s širokim razponom terapevtsk...
O-vezana β-N-acetilglukozamin transferaza (OGT) je znotrajcelični encim, čigar vloga v telesu in vlo...
Depression is a common and heterogeneous mental disorder. When a patient, diagnosed with depression,...
Rastni dejavniki so pomembni regulatorni proteini, ki vplivajo na celično rast, migracijo in diferen...
Kiralnost spojin igra zelo pomembno vlogo v vsakdanjem življenju. Ni prisotna le na področju kemije,...
Hipertenzija je definirana kot povišan krvni tlak in vodi v srčno-žilne zaplete kot so hipertenzivna...
Nastanek in razvoj živega organizma predstavlja veliko uganko in eno najbolj perečih vprašanj v biol...
Anksiozne motnje so prisotne pri 28 % odraslih, kar jih uvršča med najpogostejše duševne motnje. Ank...
Anksiozne motnje so prisotne pri 28 % odraslih, kar jih uvršča med najpogostejše duševne motnje. Ank...
Recent studies point at the crucial role of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in the development of ...
Background: Impaired redox homeostasis is a hallmark of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Both excessi...
Immunotherapy with immune-checkpoint inhibitors has changed the paradigm of cancer treatment. For th...
Breast cancer has high incidence and prevalence. Long-termcause-specific survival of breast cancer p...