Starptautiskās attiecības - Eiropas studijasSocioloģija, politoloģija un antropoloģijaInternational Relations - European StudiesSociology, Politics and AnthropologyBakalaura darbā “Polijas, Čehijas, Slovākijas un Ungārijas sadarbība aizsardzības un drošības jomā “Višegrādas formātā” Ukrainas krīzes kontekstā” ir izvērtēta četru Centrāleiropas valstu sadarbība aizsardzības un drošības jomā tā saucamās Višegrādas grupas ietvaros Ukrainas krīzes kontekstā. Tāpat darbā ir raksturotas attiecīgo valstu aizsardzības un drošības politikas pamatnostādnes pirms un pēc Ukrainas krīzes sākuma. Aktualitāti šai tēmai piešķir Ukrainā notiekošās krīzes konteksts un minēto valstu ģeogrāfiskie un politiskie sakari ar Baltijas reģionu. Ņemot vērā izvēlētās d...
The Hungarian Card exemplifies how to solve nationality and citizenship issues in the transforming i...
The proclamation of a new state named Ukraine in 1991 changed the geopolitical situation in Europe b...
The Polish-Hungarian relationship remains something extraordinary on a European scale. Although the ...
Jako součást mezinárodních ekonomických vztahů tvoří rozvojová spolupráce relativně novou součást če...
In this paper was taken an attempt to research the causes of separatism in the Donbass based on a mu...
The article aims at shedding light on legislation in the states of the post-communist bloc in the as...
The researcher identified three main entities that have an impact on Ukraine, Russia, The United Sta...
Starptautiskās attiecības - Eiropas studijasSocioloģija, politoloģija un antropoloģijaInternational ...
The main task of this text is to present some general statements and discussions related to the rule...
This article presents a comparative analysis of Ukrainian and Russian forms of nationalism, deriving...
Ukraine is a difficult partner for the West, and recently, it has been perceived as an enfant terrib...
The article presents the results of research into socio-cultural trauma in Central Eastern Europe. I...
The article deals with the issue of the Western community’s approach towards the Ukraine–Russia conf...
The paper focuses on the Ukraine crisis as a decision making dilemma challenging NATO’s cohesion and...
Celem artykułu jest omówienie, na przykładzie Węgier i w oparciu o pisma Istvana Bibo, rozbieżności ...
The Hungarian Card exemplifies how to solve nationality and citizenship issues in the transforming i...
The proclamation of a new state named Ukraine in 1991 changed the geopolitical situation in Europe b...
The Polish-Hungarian relationship remains something extraordinary on a European scale. Although the ...
Jako součást mezinárodních ekonomických vztahů tvoří rozvojová spolupráce relativně novou součást če...
In this paper was taken an attempt to research the causes of separatism in the Donbass based on a mu...
The article aims at shedding light on legislation in the states of the post-communist bloc in the as...
The researcher identified three main entities that have an impact on Ukraine, Russia, The United Sta...
Starptautiskās attiecības - Eiropas studijasSocioloģija, politoloģija un antropoloģijaInternational ...
The main task of this text is to present some general statements and discussions related to the rule...
This article presents a comparative analysis of Ukrainian and Russian forms of nationalism, deriving...
Ukraine is a difficult partner for the West, and recently, it has been perceived as an enfant terrib...
The article presents the results of research into socio-cultural trauma in Central Eastern Europe. I...
The article deals with the issue of the Western community’s approach towards the Ukraine–Russia conf...
The paper focuses on the Ukraine crisis as a decision making dilemma challenging NATO’s cohesion and...
Celem artykułu jest omówienie, na przykładzie Węgier i w oparciu o pisma Istvana Bibo, rozbieżności ...
The Hungarian Card exemplifies how to solve nationality and citizenship issues in the transforming i...
The proclamation of a new state named Ukraine in 1991 changed the geopolitical situation in Europe b...
The Polish-Hungarian relationship remains something extraordinary on a European scale. Although the ...