Almost monomineralic Mg-rich gehlenite (similar toGh(50)Ak(46)Na-mel(4)) skarns occur in a very restricted area along the contact of a diorite intrusion at Oravita, Banat, in Romania, elsewhere characterized by more typical vesuvianite-garnet skarns. In the vein-like body of apparently unaltered gehlenite, the textural relations of the associated minerals (interstitial granditic garnet and, locally, monticellite, rare cases of exsolution of magnetite in the core zone of melilite grains) suggest that the original composition of the gehlenite may have been different, richer in Si, Mg, Fe (and perhaps Na), in accordance with the fact that skarns are the only terrestrial type of occurrence of gehlenite-dominant melilite. The same minerals, mont...