The melilite-bearing skarns of Cornet Hill (CH) and Upper Cerboaia Valley (UCV), in the Apuseni Mountains of Romania, occur at the contact between monzodiorite bodies of Ypresian age (Paleocene) and Neojurassic calcitic marbles. Typical wollastonite - grossular - diopside endoskarns are separated from exoskarns (tilleyite and spurrite or wollastonite at CH. wollastonite only at UCV), at most places, by a melilite-rich rock, in which veins and vein-like zones of recrystallization are composed only of idiomorphic melilite crystals reaching 15 cm across. Titanian garnet and wollastonite are the principal minerals associated with melilite (and also monticellite, perovskite, vesuvianite, cuspidine. spurrite, tilleyite, calcite, hydroxylellestadi...