We describe the occurrence of high-temperature, spurrite-, tilleyite- and gehlenite-bearing skarns from Cornet Hill, part of the Metaliferi Massif, Apuseni Mountains, Romania, and the main mineral species developed in these rocks. The host skarns are developed at the contact between a quartz monzonitic - monzodioritic body of Paleocene - Ypresian age and Tithonian limestones. The primary mineral assemblage mainly consists of tilleyite, spurrite and gehlenite, with various amounts of garnet and wollastonite: perovskite, monticellite and hydroxylellestadite are present but scarce. The skarns have clearly undergone a late metasomatic event. which produced, for example, diopside veins cross-cutting tilleyite, spurrite, and gehlenite. and small ...