The "Bayfair" was originally named the "Coalhaven." She was of 2,362 gross tons. She was built at Haverton Hill-on-Tees in 1928 by the Furness Shipbuilding Company. Until 1962, she was owned by the Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd. of Montreal, Quebec In 1962, she became known as the "Bayfair." Bayswater Shipping, Ltd. of Brockville, Ontario owned her from 1962 to 1968. The following year, Long Island Salvage Company of New York took possession. In 1969, she was scrapped at Hamilton, Ontario. Image number 3201.FR2.9.34.1 shows the vessels as the "Coal haven" some time between 1928 and 1962. Image 3202.FR2.9.34.2 shows the vessel between 1962 to 1968 when she was known as the "Bayfair.