Autori uvodno iznose novija saznanja o terminološkoj podjeli resorpcijskih promjena unutar zuba. Navode i etiologiju takvih promjena. Prikazuju tretman slučaja unutrašnje resorpcije korijenskog kanala lateralnog gornjeg sjekutića. Opisuju plan i način rada po fazama, što ilustriraju slikama.Introducing their paper authors mention the newer conceptions of the terminology of resorption inside a tooth. The aetiology is discussed. The treatment of resorption inside the upper second left incisor is described. The way of the therapy and the achievements are illustrated with X ray pictures.Einleitend werden neuere Aufassungen über Resorptionserscheinungen im Bereiche des Inneren des Zahnes zitiert. Auch die Aetiologie dieser Veränderungen wird ang...