Prikazan je iznimni slučaj forme odnosno stadija razvoja korijena centralnog i lateralnog gornjeg inciziva, djevojčice stare devet i pol godina. Rendgenogram, odljevi i ekstrahirani zub fotodokumentiraju nalaz. Raspravlja se o mogućim uzrocima, koji su ili doveli do stagnacije daljnjeg rasta ili do drastične resorpcije korijena na tim zubima.An exceptional case of shape, respectively of the stage of development is described of the central and lateral upper incisor roots in a girl aged nine and a half. The roentgenogram, mould and the extracted tooth serve as photo-documentary proof of the finding. The possible causes leading to stagnation of growth or to drastic resorption of the root of these teeth are discussed.Es wird ein seltener Fall d...