2005年7月13日至15日,中国科学院自动化研究所、计算技术研究所和厦门大学计算机系联合举办了我国首届统计机器翻译研讨班。本文主要介绍本次研讨班参加单位的测试系统和实验结果,并给出相应的分析。测试结果表明,我国的统计机器翻译研究起步虽晚,但已有快速进展,参评系统在短期内得到了较好的翻译质量,与往年参加863评测的基于规则方法的系统相比性能虽还有差距,但差距已经不大。从目前国际统计机器翻译研究的现状和发展趋势来看,随着数据资源规模的不断扩大和计算机性能的迅速提高,统计机器翻译还有很大的发展空间。在未来几年内,在基于短语的主流统计翻译方法中融入句法、语义信息,必将成为机器翻译发展的趋势。Institute of Automation,Institute of Computing Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences,and Department of Computer Science of Xiamen University held the first Statistical Machine Translation Workshop in China together,from July 13th to 15th in 2005.This paper describes the tested systems of involved institutions,and analyzes the results of their experiments.The test results show that although the research of statistical machine translation started l...
This book provides a wide variety of algorithms and models to integrate linguistic knowledge into St...
This article presents some experimental results on Chinese to Spanish machine translation. The imple...
Although, Chinese and Spanish are two of the most spoken languages in the world, not much research h...
Automatic translation from one human language to another using computers, better known as machine tr...
We have developed a two-stage machine translation (MT) system. The first stage is a rule-based machi...
The article discusses modern approaches to machine translation. Machine translation systems based on...
Two of the most popular Machine Translation (MT) paradigms are rule based (RBMT) and corpus based, w...
Parallel corpus is a valuable resource for cross-language information retrieval and data-driven natu...
Machine translation can be considered a highly interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary field because...
Translation Studies在当今中国学界名实不符,名实不符造成学科概念混淆,学科概念混淆造成学术理路混乱,学术理路混乱造成翻译理论与翻译实践关系失调.二者关系之失调致使翻译实践常失去规矩方...
This book provides a wide variety of algorithms and models to integrate linguistic knowledge into St...
This article presents some experimental results on Chinese to Spanish machine translation. The imple...
Although, Chinese and Spanish are two of the most spoken languages in the world, not much research h...
Automatic translation from one human language to another using computers, better known as machine tr...
We have developed a two-stage machine translation (MT) system. The first stage is a rule-based machi...
The article discusses modern approaches to machine translation. Machine translation systems based on...
Two of the most popular Machine Translation (MT) paradigms are rule based (RBMT) and corpus based, w...
Parallel corpus is a valuable resource for cross-language information retrieval and data-driven natu...
Machine translation can be considered a highly interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary field because...
Translation Studies在当今中国学界名实不符,名实不符造成学科概念混淆,学科概念混淆造成学术理路混乱,学术理路混乱造成翻译理论与翻译实践关系失调.二者关系之失调致使翻译实践常失去规矩方...
This book provides a wide variety of algorithms and models to integrate linguistic knowledge into St...
This article presents some experimental results on Chinese to Spanish machine translation. The imple...
Although, Chinese and Spanish are two of the most spoken languages in the world, not much research h...