Title: Yaat nu Waqab ('Tales of Yap'). A Yapese-language vernacular reader developed under various bilingual education projects for Micronesia. Printed in 1978 by Audio-Visual Center, Yap District Department of Education; edited by Rosemarie Brugger and Gilnifrad Lukubyad; illustrated by Robert Fithing. This book was developed pursuant to a grant from the U.S. Office of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Credits: Rafael Defeg, Faimau ni gaaq, Vincent Fthabyad, Ignathio Fithingmew, Gatel, Gloria Gillipin, Luke Gilnifrad, Ilyaw, Limar, Matidow, Francis Reg, Peter Ruechugrad, Thomasa Sof. Contents: Rat and Crab, Someone’s Words, What the Little Boy Saw, A Woman and Three Sons, People with Bad Ways, Monitor Lizard in the Ch...