Genre: Folk tale. Title: Hinana pana mi (Mother don't go). Lengu Nandene (b. c. 1916), kampong Mata mere tells a fairy tale, so far titled 'Hinana pana mi' (Mother don't go), related to the tale Nona Cara, the names of characters in the current tale. In some of Lengu's tales it is difficult to follow who (characters) she is talking about. Anyhow, it is a sad story. rom the second recording session with Lengu Nandene. Recorded by SD with the AT2020 mic 2 February 2015 in the home of Bapak Pui and Mama Yuli. With Maria Methi and others.Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in kampong Mata Mere, Keli domain