Eleanor Aoki Kirito, eldest among five children, was born in 1929 in Hilo, Hawai‘i, to Tamotsu and Mitsuko Aoki. Her parents were both nisei, born in Hawai‘i; but her father was a kibei, educated in Kumamoto-ken, Japan. Tamotsu Aoki was a prominent member of the local community; he was active in the Japanese section of the Mormon Church. He was a member of the Kumamoto Prefectural Association. He was a practitioner of Japanese martial arts. He was a respected businessman—manager of American Savings and Loan. He entertained many, including visiting Japanese naval officers. With the outbreak of war, many prominent in the Japanese community of Hawai‘i Island were incarcerated. In February 1942, Tamotsu Aoki was removed from his home, detained ...