Theodore Ozawa, eldest of six children, was born in 1932, in Wahiawa, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i. His parents were immigrants from Yamanashi-ken, Japan. His father, Yoshikiyo Ozawa, a Soto Mission minister whose Buddhist name was Gijo, arrived with his wife, Hanako, to assume the position of minister at Zenshuji in Wahiawa, Kaua‘i, in 1931. Besides meeting the religious needs of the Japanese community at surrounding McBryde Sugar Company plantation, the Ozawas filled educational and cultural needs. Yoshikiyo Ozawa served as principal of the Japanese-language school; Hanako Ozawa served as a classroom teacher and instructor in sewing and flower arrangement. Yoshikiyo Ozawa also organized classes in martial arts. With the outbreak of war, Yoshikiyo Ozaw...