Richard Tomiyasu, the youngest of three sons, was born to Katsutaro and Kikuyo Tomiyasu in Honolulu, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i in 1932. His father was an immigrant from Hiroshima-ken, Japan; his mother was a nisei, born on the island of Maui. Katsutaro Tomiyasu was a trunk salesman, skilled in woodwork and carpentry. Days or possibly weeks following the outbreak of war, Kikuyo Tomiyasu was questioned by FBI agents and removed from her home for possession of a shortwave radio. Held at Fort Armstrong near the U.S. Immigration Station for about a year, she occasionally spoke with her husband who was allowed to visit. In the early months of 1943, Katsutaro Tomiyasu informed his family to prepare for a move to the U.S. Mainland. Their home was sold and bel...