Economic value Added (EVA) and Return on Enquity (ROE) are the indicators of company's profitability. EVA figures market value of company and ROE figure its book value. EVA model developed by G. Bennet Stewart. Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT), Invested Capital and cost of Capital are independent variables for EVA while net income and shareholder’s equity are independent variables for ROE. This research attempted to investigate the correlation between EVA and Stock Price of companies included in LQ 45 at The Jakarta Stock Exchange. Pearson Correlation was used to analize the data and samples used in study were 20 companies. This research concluded that EVA and Stock Price had significant correlation while ROE and stock Price had no si...
This study aimed to determine the effect of Economic Value Added (EVA) and Return On Assets (ROA) of...
The financial performance of the company is a company’s ability to generate profit effectively and e...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Economic Value Added (EVA), Price Earning Ratio...
Economic value Added (EVA) and Return on Enquity (ROE) are the indicators of company's profitability...
ABSTRACT Rosi Susanti. 8215089487. 2012. The Influences Economic Value Added (EVA), Return on Eq...
The research intends to examine and analyze simultaneous and partial impacts of Economic Value Added...
Economic Value Added (EVA), Return On Asset (ROA), dan Return On Equity (ROE) merupakan metode peng...
Penelitian ini menguji mengenai Pengaruh Return On Equity (ROE) dan Economi...
This research investigated the simultaneous impact and partial impact of financial ratios (ROA, ROE,...
The purpose of this research is to exam the effect of Return on Investment, Return on Equity, Earnin...
This study aims to find out the influence of EVA, ROA, and ROE on MVA both partially and simultaneou...
, Pengaruh Return On Assests (ROA) dan Return On Equity (ROE) dan Economic Value Added (EVA) Terhada...
This research investigated the simultaneous impact and partial impact of financial ratios (ROA, ROE,...
This research aims to analyse the influence of the ratio of profitability and economic value added (...
The purpose of this research is reference for company pay more attention the fundamental factor in a...
This study aimed to determine the effect of Economic Value Added (EVA) and Return On Assets (ROA) of...
The financial performance of the company is a company’s ability to generate profit effectively and e...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Economic Value Added (EVA), Price Earning Ratio...
Economic value Added (EVA) and Return on Enquity (ROE) are the indicators of company's profitability...
ABSTRACT Rosi Susanti. 8215089487. 2012. The Influences Economic Value Added (EVA), Return on Eq...
The research intends to examine and analyze simultaneous and partial impacts of Economic Value Added...
Economic Value Added (EVA), Return On Asset (ROA), dan Return On Equity (ROE) merupakan metode peng...
Penelitian ini menguji mengenai Pengaruh Return On Equity (ROE) dan Economi...
This research investigated the simultaneous impact and partial impact of financial ratios (ROA, ROE,...
The purpose of this research is to exam the effect of Return on Investment, Return on Equity, Earnin...
This study aims to find out the influence of EVA, ROA, and ROE on MVA both partially and simultaneou...
, Pengaruh Return On Assests (ROA) dan Return On Equity (ROE) dan Economic Value Added (EVA) Terhada...
This research investigated the simultaneous impact and partial impact of financial ratios (ROA, ROE,...
This research aims to analyse the influence of the ratio of profitability and economic value added (...
The purpose of this research is reference for company pay more attention the fundamental factor in a...
This study aimed to determine the effect of Economic Value Added (EVA) and Return On Assets (ROA) of...
The financial performance of the company is a company’s ability to generate profit effectively and e...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Economic Value Added (EVA), Price Earning Ratio...