Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai adanya dominasi dalam pengambilan keputusan keluarga yang dipengaruhi oleh tingkat penghasilan yang berbeda atara suami dan istri dan adanya pergeseran dalam peran antara suami dan istri di Kecamatan Pamengpeuk. Penelitian ini akan menjelaskan, faktor pendorong wanita atau istri untuk bekerja, bagaimana peran perempuan yang bekerja dalam mengambil keputusan keluarga, dan dampak dari pergeseran, peran antara suami dan stri terhadap keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini berupa observasi, wawancara, studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Faktor faktor pendorong wanita atau istri untuk bekerja. (2) Perempuan...
This research aims to analyze the influence of respondent education variable, husband income, and nu...
The title of this research is “the role of housewives in an effort to help husband in the welfare of...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dua masalah pokok yaitu bagaimana peran perempuan penenun ...
The Gender Empowerment Index (DEI), especially the income contribution of Indonesian women has incre...
Dual-role conflict in married career women disrupts the continuity of home and office work, reducing...
Role is a dynamic aspect of position (status) while someone do their rights and duty as their positi...
Women are half of the community, even women are also a male partner in living household life. The st...
ABSTRAK Di Indonesia terdapat asumsi gender yang menetapkan bahwa tugas utama wanita yaitu mengasuh...
The roles of a woman have been changing in late decades related to the opportunities, chances, and a...
Relasi gender yang terjadi di keluarga biasanya pemicu awalnya adalah karena istri turut serta memba...
In working couples, the wife’s responsibility looks heavier because she has several roles. Women w...
Every woman has a chance to work in any kind of job with any responsibilities, such as workingout of...
This study aims to determine the woman contribution in the family economy. It is interesting to stud...
For women, marriage is a form of fulfilment of 'traditional demands' in entering into their roles as...
Pros and cons occur in society regarding the role of the wife and also as a career woman as well as ...
This research aims to analyze the influence of respondent education variable, husband income, and nu...
The title of this research is “the role of housewives in an effort to help husband in the welfare of...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dua masalah pokok yaitu bagaimana peran perempuan penenun ...
The Gender Empowerment Index (DEI), especially the income contribution of Indonesian women has incre...
Dual-role conflict in married career women disrupts the continuity of home and office work, reducing...
Role is a dynamic aspect of position (status) while someone do their rights and duty as their positi...
Women are half of the community, even women are also a male partner in living household life. The st...
ABSTRAK Di Indonesia terdapat asumsi gender yang menetapkan bahwa tugas utama wanita yaitu mengasuh...
The roles of a woman have been changing in late decades related to the opportunities, chances, and a...
Relasi gender yang terjadi di keluarga biasanya pemicu awalnya adalah karena istri turut serta memba...
In working couples, the wife’s responsibility looks heavier because she has several roles. Women w...
Every woman has a chance to work in any kind of job with any responsibilities, such as workingout of...
This study aims to determine the woman contribution in the family economy. It is interesting to stud...
For women, marriage is a form of fulfilment of 'traditional demands' in entering into their roles as...
Pros and cons occur in society regarding the role of the wife and also as a career woman as well as ...
This research aims to analyze the influence of respondent education variable, husband income, and nu...
The title of this research is “the role of housewives in an effort to help husband in the welfare of...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dua masalah pokok yaitu bagaimana peran perempuan penenun ...