Page 182 1909. Barbour, Young and Dameron was held. Dr. Barbour and Young pronounced it too late to operate for its removal, but Dr. Dameron said if she would come to Co. Hospital, where he presides, he would operate, and encouraged them to think she would recover. So they moved her there, but she died. (W.M. Nuner of Calaveras Co. writes one that the deal is off whereby he and others were to buy all the timber on our Blue Mt. ranch for $3000. The principal has been ill and wished to extend the time for payment, but others interested would not consent to it, so they were obliged to call it off. We are sorry.) (T.S.R. 50. 2 P.M. 85. S.S. 77.) Sept. 23. Thurs. Received a letter from Ada and wrote to Hannah, Ada and W.M. Nuner. (T.S.R. 54. 2 P...