Page 272 1902. Apr. 11. Friday. Wrote to Mother. (T.S.R. 43. 2 P.M. 60. S.S. 52.) Apr. 12. Saturday. Have written a letter to the children in the East and received one from Theresa. Rev. T. De Witt Talmage died in Washington today. I have also to record the death of another noted preacher Rev. Horatio Stebbins, late of San Francisco. He succeeded the Rev. T. Starr King, and was greatly beloved. Some time since, he left Cal. on account of failing health, and died in the East. Both these pastors will be greatly missed and mourned. (T.S.R. 45. 2 P.M. 70. S.S. 64.) Apr. 13. Sabbath. Received a letter from Eunice. She wrote of arriving in Eureka in such a rain, that Ida could not go to the wharf to meet them. Instead, they hired a rig and went o...