Pale pink waxy bells narrow throated [rubus] [lvs] black 8 ft h [high] dwarf cornel red [ ] skunk cabbage maple 2 sps [species] birch avg trees 2 to 3 ft dia [diameter] [waving] in gray sky [solemly] The growth of trees on this gl [glacial] soil with a foot or more of [humus] & [berm] decaying timber of many generations is [marvelously] rapid. The stand of a [Menzies] Spruce 3 ft dia [diameter] [showed] only 48 [rings] One 5 ft dia measured 240 in height. A Doug Spruce 10 ft dia “ arbor vitae 12 “ “ in Vancouver woods. Trip to Port Blakeley [morning] white subdued sun [splendor] soft [haze] grayish headlands dim as if very distant, bay calm. [dumpling] swells ashy black & deep black on slopes of swells. Shores showing gray [heads] of sa...