[Up] the canon the rocks [2] M Alt [altitude] of Em [Emerald] Bay lake 7100 300 yds dia [diameter] 1 islet 6 trees Alt of Emerald Bay Cascade at foot 6440 top 6540 top of upper cascade 6620 [Fannette] Island. [ ] acres rugged few trees yell [yellow] & sugar pine & firs bossed with dwarf oak & [ceandra] etc. & well flowered only island in lake Next morning sailed around [right] lat of Emerald Bay gl [glacier] to cabin on shore at mouth of Cascade Creek & visited the Cascade Lake distant about 1 mile from the shore of Tahoe. It is about 1 mile long & ½ wide. Filled with trout. Was a beautiful fall [or] cascade rather at head whose roar may be heard for miles out in the Tahoe Lake. Its height above the main lake is about 300 ft, height of fa...