Thursday, February 27, 1896 Cloudy all day. bar. [barometer] falling slowly. Peaches coming into bloom also pears Some of the live & white oaks opening buds - One white-oak has leaves nearly unfolded must have buds close. One Agrifolia has set of new leaves dark purple & velvety - another has yellow green lvs [leaves]. Most still in bud X Wrote to Edwards, Valona - Farnsworth, Magee, Annie Hay, Libby, Bartola Friday 28 Warm. Somewhat cloudy - Saturday 29 Fine shower this morning - clear after 8 AM X Louie & Wanda gone to town SF [San Francisco] to hear [Paddyrosky] & a Frenchman play. Helen is rather lonesome. We took a walk to the heronry, saw about 30, many already sitting. The wind very high threatening to blow nests away out of the tall...