see NY from top of World Building and cab thro’ Wall St. and others noted; then to her home; chatted, told Stickeen story to her friend, then was driven to Johnson’s to dinner, then down town to election jam; was most killed. [Nov 8]. Start for Wilmington, meet Sargent, Canby, Stratton and Pettigrew at station; got to hotel for dinner, then drive in carriage out into picturesque country a few miles and thro’ a park along the Brandywine, magnificent views of the Chesapeake Bay, many fine wild oak woods, scarlet oak gloriously vivid blending with purple and bronze and brown of white and black oaks, yel of maples, red oak always yel and brown, only wood red. Park may be fine, rich farm fields, celery, etc. Canby took great pleasure in showing ...