Many miles of pines cut for resin and turpentine; 2 stripes of bark cut 2 ft ab ground down to ground usually barked ½ way round. Then comes fire one these resin trunks and makes a deep scar dry; then comes wind storm and fells and finishes them, breaking them of course at the dry wound. Hard to see how people can make living. Long wait at Gainesville. Get to Cedar K at 7, got to Dutch Hotel back of store thro’ wh it is entered. The magnolia glauca and some grandif between Gainesville and Keys and many palms and vine clad bushes; some water oak v fine and laurel o, also Spanish blue Jack and 2 others, Catesly o, large deep cut lves common about Archer. [Nov 20]. Enquired about Hodgson, heard Mr. H and the eldest son were dead, the others we...