& monosperma. On San Francisco mtns [mountains] [pashacflora] the latter a queer looking species from oaklike bark on trunk, small limbs, as usual. In [nutpine] forest berberis is a tall bush with minute lvs [leaves] v [very] prickly & shaped like common also a charming spiraea with [bipinnate] lvs [leaves] & Cowania Mexicana with white fragrant flr [flower]. The common oak gambelii perhaps most widely distributed oak in America with greatest number of individuals occurs along route & in canon mostly as a brush of sprouts takes [lovely] Marble yellow & brown colors adorns the mantles of a few [of] [ ] [trees] the canon 25 ft h [high] one foot dia [diameter] with white bark. [Pinnate] lvd [leaved] spiraea & dwarf species common along mos...